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The beta version of the API is restricted to registered users. Each user has an identification key, which must be informed in the authentication header of each request.

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Example request to API using curl utility:

curl "" -H 'apikey:<YOUR API KEY>'

Below are the parameters that you can use at your request:

q: the search expression to be processed. The table Search Fields shows the fields that can be used in the search expression.


fromthe initial record in harvesting process.This parameter is useful when performing several sequential harvesting processes, for example, harvesting a few sets of a 1000 records each.


countthe quantity of records to be harvested.


output: export format to be used. Available options: xml, json, csv, ris.


output_as_file:default=true, indicating that a file will be generated for download. For RIS or CSV export format, the false option indicates that the result will be shown directly.

View export format details

Search Fields

Code Field name Description Example
TW Words Words from title, abstract, subject descriptors and other fields of bibliographic description of publications, such as author keywords, type of study, etc. tw:aids
TI Title Words from the original title of publications and their translations ti:aids
ti:"doencas geneticas"
MH Subject DeCS/MeSH descriptors representing the subjects covered in the publications mh:Colera
MJ Main subject DeCS/MeSH main descriptors of the subjects covered in the publications mj:Colera
PT Study type Automatically assigned to the publication when it meets the retrieval criteria of the respective search strategies by type of study pt:Revisão
pt:"Relatos de casos"
pt:"Guia de pratica clinica"
AU Author Names and surnames of authors of publications. The form of representation of authors’ names is different in the MEDLINE database and databases produced by BIREME that follow the LILACS methodology. MEDLINE – surname followed by first name initials, eg Jatene AD. LILACS – surname and full or abbreviated names, as in the publication, and separated by a comma, for example, Jatene, Adib Domingues Jatene, Adib D Jatene, Adib au:"Jatene AD"
au:"Jatene, Adib D"
au:"Jatene, Adib"
au:"Jatene, AD"
TA Journal Journal Title in its abbreviated form ta:Jama
LA Language Language of the publication’s digital object in the format (ISO 639-1) la:es
AB Abstract Words from the abstract of publications, in the languages in which the abstract is presented. On Medline, all abstracts are in English, regardless of the language of the text. ab:"doencas geneticas"
DA Publication year Represents the year and month of publication and must be represented by the 4-digit year and two-digit month (YYYYMM). You can truncate using $ or * to include a period longer than one month in the search. da:2014$ (para todos os meses de 2014)
da:201$ (recupera docs a partir do ano 2000)
da:201402 (recupera documentos de fevereiro de 2014)
DB Database Acronym of the database where the publication was indexed db:"LILACS" (para todos os registros da base LILACS)
CP Publication country Country where the document was published. Enter the country name in quotes and in capital letters or the code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) cp:"BRASIL"
SH Subject qualifier Define aspects of a subject. Enter the qualifier in quotes. sh:"Prevencao & Controle"
ID Unique identifier Identifier assigned to each document according to the Database it belongs to. id:sigla da base-identificador
JD Journal subject Defines the main subject of the journal. Type the subject in uppercase quotes. jd:"CARDIOLOGIA"
AI Institutional author When the institution is the author of the document ai:"University of Kansas Medical Center"
ai:"Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde"
ENTRY_DATE Document entry date Bibliographic record creation date in the database in YYYYMMDD format entry_date:20190816
AID Article identifier Globally unique identifier of digital objects such as DOI aid:"10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.01.093"
AUID Author identifier globally unique identifier of the author, such as ORCID auid:"0000-0003-3504-118X"
AFP Country of affiliation Country of affiliation of the author of the publication. Enter the country in quotes. afp:"brasil"
afp:"costa rica"
CC Cooperating Center Code Code of the VHL Cooperating Center responsible for cataloging and/or indexing the publication cc:"BR1.1"

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